Started by dohz

Cover-up of terrible epidemic is censored in media (5)

cover-up of "terriBLE EPidemic"

def. is censored in media

Submitted by rpl

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
8754 Cover-up of terrible epidemic is censored in media (5) cover-up of "terriBLE EPidemic"

def. is censored in media
rpl 2
8770 Shave back behind entrance to bathroom to cover for something indecent (5) B_+LEEP<

cover for something indecent = def
dohz 1
8779 Swear in polite company that the act of sticking out your tongue held barely a trace of impertinence (5) Swear, in polite company = def (e.g., "what the bleep")
The act of sticking out your tongue = BLEP
held (barely a trace of impertinencE) = BL(E)EP
biocuriousgeorgie 0