Started by AuthorialIntent

Boot the internals up: oh, so laggy... (6)


Submitted by quatrevingtneuf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9100 Boot the internals up: oh, so laggy... (6) *H SO LAG*< quatrevingtneuf 2
9107 Tell someone to be quiet about a large shoe? (6) def. "shoe"
wordplay: GO 'SH' ("Tell someone to be quiet"; +? for 'green paint'-ness) containing A L ("a" "large")
bags 1
9097 Group theorist loses identity, with heart in boot (6) group theorist - GALOIS
loses - removal
identity - I
with - juxtaposition
heart - H
in - filler
boot - definition

Botaku 0
9098 Cry of surprise about headline "All-Leather Footwear". (6) Cry of surprise(GOSH) about(around) headline(first letters) (A)ll (L)eather [Footwear] dpad 0