Started by Botaku

Company to pern IT, seer evens the odds (10)

company - def
to - link
evens, odds
pErNiTsEeR + PeRnItSeEr

Submitted by Botaku

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9173 Company to pern IT, seer evens the odds (10) company - def
to - link
evens, odds
pErNiTsEeR + PeRnItSeEr
Botaku 1
9175 Venture to genetically modify, ripen trees. (10) Venture = definition
genetically modify = anagram
RIPENTREES = anagram fodder
dpad 1
9172 Board by force with starship (10) Board = ENTER
by = connector
force = PRISE
Starship = Defn. (from Star Trek)
WoomyRogue 0