Started by dpad

A club, ignoring the odds, sorta swings back and finally scores a three under par (9)


a three under par = def

Submitted by dohz

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9256 A club, ignoring the odds, sorta swings back and finally scores a three under par (9) A+_L_B+(ATROS<)+_S

a three under par = def
dohz 5
9255 Actress Jessica and Singer Diana withheld true source of guilt (9) def. "source of guilt"
wordplay: ALBA ("Actress Jessica": ref. Jessica Alba) and ROSS ("Singer Diana": ref. Diana Ross) withheld T ("true": true/false)
bags 1
9262 A large winged animal (or alternatively, repeated source of shame)! (9) &lit
A ("A") L ("large") BAT ("winged animal") RO ("or", "alternatively": anagram of OR) S S ("repeated", "source of S[hame]")
bags 1