Started by Botaku

"Gin and Juice" rapper emphasized revolutionary silverware (7, 6)

"Gin and Juice" rapper = SNOOP (Dogg)
emphasized = STRESSED
revolutionary = reversal
silverware = def

Submitted by Tortoise

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9284 "Gin and Juice" rapper emphasized revolutionary silverware (7, 6) "Gin and Juice" rapper = SNOOP (Dogg)
emphasized = STRESSED
revolutionary = reversal
silverware = def
Tortoise 4
9290 Having eaten bit of steak, leave pub for ice cream? (7,6) verb phrase def. "for ice cream"

"having eaten bit of steak, leave" = DES(S_)ERT

"pub" = SPOONS (British slang for Wetherspoons, a chain of pubs)
edderiofer 0
9299 Bank portends to have cutlery. (7,6) Bank = word bank
PORTENDS = bank letters
to have = connection
cutlery = definition
dpad 0