Clue ID | Contest | Clue | Explanation (hover) | Submitted By | Likes |
8595 | ONE (3), THEN TWO (3), THEN THREE (5), THEN FOUR (4), ETC. | One factor of 18 is 9 (3) | is = s ('s) 9 = IX One factor of 18 = def |
Tortoise | 5 |
9108 | MOTHER (6) | Family member in the middle of chemotherapy (6) | Family member = def in the middle of chemotherapy = hidden in cheMOTHERapy |
Tortoise | 5 |
9109 | GREEN TEA OR BLACK TEA (5, 3 OR 5, 3) | Teenager mixed a drink (5 3) | Teenager mixed = anagram of TEENAGER a drink = def |
Tortoise | 5 |
12058 | SOFA (4) | Most of GF flour ingredient beginning to fall on a couch (4) | SO(y)+F+A | Tortoise | 5 |
12207 | HEART (5) | Less than three-fifths of aesthetes appreciate beauty (5) | fifth letters of aestHetes apprEciate + ART | Tortoise | 5 |
8506 | BUFFALO (7) | Partly rebuff a loud word notably uttered eight times in a row (7) | Wordplay: Hidden in reBUFF A LOud Def: refers to the sentence "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo." |
Tortoise | 4 |
8980 | CLERIHEW (8) | Charlie Sheen / Leaves American township unseen / And with one cut / Makes four lines which, when you might expect them to be of similar length, are anything but (8) | Charlie = C Sheen = LUSTER Leaves American township unseen = remove US + T and with = positional indicator one = I cut = HEW makes = link four line, which ... anything but = definition of CLERIHEW |
Tortoise | 4 |
9033 | CIRCLE (6) | Michael Crichton returned, penning prequel to "Sphere"? (6) | Michael Crichton returned, penning = hidden reversed in michaEL CRIChton prequel to Sphere? = definition |
Tortoise | 4 |
9076 | DUMPSTER (8) | Waste site identified by member of Parliament wearing long coat (8) | Waste site = def identified by = link member of parliament = MP wearing = inside long coat = DUSTER |
Tortoise | 4 |
9145 | CODA (4) | Fish with a tail end (4) | Fish = COD with = juxtaposition a = A tail end = definition |
Tortoise | 4 |
9284 | DESSERT SPOONS (7,6) | "Gin and Juice" rapper emphasized revolutionary silverware (7, 6) | "Gin and Juice" rapper = SNOOP (Dogg) emphasized = STRESSED revolutionary = reversal silverware = def |
Tortoise | 4 |
9352 | FISHING (7) | Character from Genesis hiding in tree, trying to catch dinner? (7) | Character from Genesis = SHIN (Hebrew letter) hiding in = contained in tree = fig trying to catch dinner = def |
Tortoise | 4 |
9463 | PERFIDY (7) | Fried salad served inside pastry shell? Vile deception! (7) | Fried salad = anagram of FRIED served inside = contained in pastry shell = PY vile deception = def |
Tortoise | 4 |
10450 | GROK (4) | Get $1000 (or... $1000) back (4) | Get = def $1000 = K or = OR $1000 = G back = reversal |
Tortoise | 4 |
10712 | LICENSE (7) | Permit awkward silence (7) | permit = def awkward silence = anagram of SILENCE |
Tortoise | 4 |
12074 | MITMH (5) | GF staying away from uncontrolled fight involving 2,000 -- make that 4,000+ -- solvers competing over a weekend (5) | Anagram of FIGHT+MM - GF | Tortoise | 4 |
12146 | ADHERE (6) | Cleave and behead heretical prisoners (6) | hidden in beheAD HEREtical (note cleave is a contronym, with opposite meanings in surface and reading) |
Tortoise | 4 |
12580 | SHUFFLE (7) | Mix up egg dish containing bit of ham instead of egg (7) | H replaces O in SOUFFLE | Tortoise | 4 |
12695 | PERSIMMON (9) | Individual eating one M&M with fruit (9) | PERS(I+MM)ON | Tortoise | 4 |
8979 | OISEAU | Tortoise authorizes hiding French hen, say (6) | hidden in tortOISE AUthorizes French hen, say = def |
Tortoise | 3 |
9019 | HELLO THERE (5,5) | Introduction to Sartre's "other people" – other people at the end (5, 5) | Introduction = def Sartre's "other people" = HELL (from No Exit) other = OTHER people at the end = E |
Tortoise | 3 |
9104 | SPRING (6) | Group of covert agents spent years to get source of water (6) | Group of covert agents = SPY RING spent = delete years = Y to get = link source of water = def |
Tortoise | 3 |
9134 | ONIGIRI (7) | Rice ball's mysterious origin: India? (7) | Rice ball = def 's = link ([i]s) mysterious origin = anagram of ORIGIN India = I (NATO alphabet) |
Tortoise | 3 |
9148 | CREAM CHEESE (5, 6) | Schmear spread all over the place! (5, 6) | schmear spread all over the place = letter bank of SCHMEAR &lit |
Tortoise | 3 |
9239 | GARBAGE (7) | Essentially, rubbish in part of the house! (7) | essentially, rubbish = B (middle letter of RUBBISH) in = insertion part of the house = GARAGE def: &lit |
Tortoise | 3 |
9365 | BLESS (5) | Estow a enediction, like this? (5) | "B-less" version of def "bestow a benediction" | Tortoise | 3 |
9654 | COASTER (7) | Theme park attraction's price: about one euro, oddly (7) | Theme park attraction = def 's = link price = COST about one = containing A euro, oddly = EuRo |
Tortoise | 3 |
10156 | ANY RENAISSANCE ARTIST (?) | Italian who painted the ceilings artfully (11) | Italian who painted = def for [Artemisia] GENTILESCHI the ceilings artfully = anagram of THECEILINGS |
Tortoise | 3 |
10157 | COMPARE (7) | Equate close friend with missing daughter (7) | equate = def close friend = COMPADRE with missing daughter = delete D |
Tortoise | 3 |
10900 | WAS (3) | In Germany, what is in the past? (3) | double def: "what" in German and "is in the past" Question mark is for surface and not indicative of funny buseniess |
Tortoise | 3 |
10988 | COCA-COLA (4-4) | Bits of coal, repeatedly processed, produce brown liquid (4-4) | Bits of...repeatedly processed = letter bank coal=letter bank fodder produce = link brown liquid=def |
Tortoise | 3 |
11145 | FLAGRANT (8) | Obvious complaint about the Stars and Stripes? (8) | Obvious = def FLAG RANT heteronym |
Tortoise | 3 |
12305 | CHIN UP (4 2) | In their initial appearances in Theogony, Chaos and Nyx quietly exercise (4-2) | CHI+NU (first letters of CHAOS and NYX in Greek) + P | Tortoise | 3 |
12607 | CONCH (5) | Bacon cheeseburger secretly contains shellfish (5) | hidden in baCON CHeeseburger | Tortoise | 3 |
12615 | MACGYVER (8) | Jury-rig air conditioning in British sports car, very crudely (8) | Jury-rig = def AC in MG + anagram of VERY |
Tortoise | 3 |
12739 | MATRIX (6) | Alternate reality in a sci-fi movie for mature audiences? It's for kids! (6) | MA=for mature audiences (TV-MA rating) TRIX=it's for kids |
Tortoise | 3 |
12786 | BASS TROMBONE (4 8) | Second-rate rump steak conceals rejected bit of mandible or horn (4 8) | B+ASS+T(RO+M)BONE | Tortoise | 3 |
12917 | MUGWORT (7) | In front row, Gumby brings back wormwood (7) | Hidden reversal in fronT ROW GUMby | Tortoise | 3 |
8435 | REJOIN (6) | Come back to March sister kept in check (6) | March sister = JO, kept in = insertion, check = REIN Come back to = definition |
Tortoise | 2 |
8529 | LOVERS (6) | Tristan and Iseult, say, caught up in Peasants' Revolt (6, assumes down clue) | caught up in = found backwards (assuming down clue) in peasantS REVOLt definition = Tristan and Iseult, say |
Tortoise | 2 |
8739 | (0) | (ε, δ) deduction applied to ∇·â(t) (0) | DELTA (δ) deleted from (deduction applied to) DEL (∇) A T ε represents the empty string in formal language |
Tortoise | 2 |
9012 | EMACS (5) | Apple product embedded in everyone's text editor (5) | Apple product = MAC embedded in = inside everyone = E (video game rating) 's = S text editor = def |
Tortoise | 2 |
9050 | EARLY (5) | Ahead of schedule, but almost coming in late (5) | Ahead of schedule = def but = linking almost = NEARLY coming in late = ignore first letter |
Tortoise | 2 |
9091 | HAYWIRE (7) | New employee concealing wrong way to be out of control (7) | new employee = HIRE concealing = containing wrong way = anagram of WAY to be = link out of control = def |
Tortoise | 2 |
9121 | INDICATOR (9) | Tad ironic, using any old thing to mean an anagram?! (9) | tad ironic = fodder using any old thing to mean an anagram = anagram (ironic) &lit |
Tortoise | 2 |
9165 | LIAISON (7) | Sloths interrupting apex predator's meeting (7) | sloths = AIS interrupting = inside apex predator = LION 's = link meeting = def |
Tortoise | 2 |
9240 | SEA LION (3, 4) | Bad-faith debater's guarantee: something charged (3, 4) | Bad-faith debater = def guarantee = SEAL something charged = ION |
Tortoise | 2 |
9293 | VAMP (4) | Repeatedly play section with dominant chord on speaker (4) | Repeatedly play section = def with = link dominant chord = V* on = juxtaposition speaker = AMP *In music theory, chords are frequently labelled with Roman numerals, and the dominant chord is built on the fifth note of the scale. |
Tortoise | 2 |
9442 | DIDACTIC (8) | Performed the first part of a play, with characters's introduction providing a moral lesson (8) | Performed = DID the first part of a play = ACT I with = juxaposition character's introduction = C providing a moral lesson = def |
Tortoise | 2 |
9494 | SPATCHCOCK (10) | To prepare poultry, fix up chicken's head dunked in punch (10) | To prepare poultry = def fix up = PATCH chicken's head = C dunked in = contained in punch = SOCK |
Tortoise | 2 |
9520 | REDEEM (6) | Fulfill Wiccan moral code expressed by central themes (6) | Fulfill = def Wiccan motto = REDE expressed by = juxtaposition central themes = EM |
Tortoise | 2 |
9533 | MANTISSA (8) | Insect's on one part of a table made of logs? (8) | Insect's = MANTIS[']S on = juxtaposition one = A part of a table made of logs = def |
Tortoise | 2 |
9594 | SATISFIED (9) | It is a curse to be enthralled by depressing content (9) | it is = TIS a curse = FIE ("Fie upon thee...") to be enthralled by = containment depressing = SAD content = def |
Tortoise | 2 |
9596 | TÜRKIYE | Dilapidated yurt sheltering one thousand and one Egyptians at the entrance to Middle Eastern nation (7) | Dilapidated yurt = TURY* sheltering = containing one thousand = K and = juxta one = I Egyptians at the entrance = E to = link Middle Eastern nation = def |
Tortoise | 2 |
9597 | GREEN EGGS (5, 4) | UK bakery stocking English muffin bottom with cream filling -- a sketchy accompaniment to ham at breakfast (5, 4) | UK bakery = GREGGS stocking = container English = E muffin bottom = N with = juxta cream filling = E a sketchy accompaniment to ham at breakfast = def |
Tortoise | 2 |
10090 | BARNS (5) | Outlaws gathered around one side of neighbor's (!) farm buildings (5) | Outlaws = BARS or BANS gathered around = containing one side of neighbor = N or R 's = linking (is) farm buildings = def |
Tortoise | 2 |
10099 | CHEESE GRATER (6, 6) | Swindler makes off with bits of everyone's stuff – for example, Romeo's kitchen gadget (6, 6) | Swindler = CHEATER makes off with = contains bits of everyone's stuff = first letters of Everyone's Stuff for example = EG Romeo = R 's = linking kitchen gadget = def |
Tortoise | 2 |
10123 | TREASURES | Team leader provides comfort after losing the first of several valuable items (8) | Team leader = T provides comfort = REASSURES after losing = deletion the first of several S valuable items = def |
Tortoise | 2 |
10146 | STEALTH (7) | Ordered "The Last Ninja" feature (7) | ordered the last = anagram of THELAST ninja feature = def |
Tortoise | 2 |
10196 | REYKJAVIK (9) | With king interrupting contingent of Freyja, Vikings established seat of power in Iceland (9) | With king interrupting = insert K contingent of Freyja, Vikings = fREYJA VIKings established = link seat of power in Iceland = def |
Tortoise | 2 |
10449 | VICTUALS (8) | Food provided by Connecticut university, served in small containers (8) | Food = def provided by = link Connecticut = CT university = U served in = contained in small containers = VIALS |
Tortoise | 2 |
10482 | YAMMER (6) | British PM retired *months* before the late Queen? Go on (6) | British PM retired = YAM (MAY reversed) months = M the late Queen = ER Go on = def |
Tortoise | 2 |
10711 | B-SIDE (1-4) | Remain in place, covering short, deep cut (1-4) | Remain in place = BIDE covering = containing short = S deep cut = def (lesser known song by an artist) |
Tortoise | 2 |
10864 | HOLST (5) | Composer, if better, would carry a gun? (5) | composer = def if better, would carry a gun = "comparative" would be HOLSTER |
Tortoise | 2 |
10893 | MUSSORGSKY (10) | Blatant send-up penned by strongly perfumed composer (10) | GROSS reversed inside MUSKY | Tortoise | 2 |
11027 | FINNISH (7) | Nordic lodgings covered in herring, say (7) | INN inside FISH | Tortoise | 2 |
12123 | NATICK (6) | Santa or Satan laying claim to @RexParker's ornery crossing (6) | NICK (Saint Nick or Old Nick) around AT | Tortoise | 2 |
12232 | APPROACH (8) | Begin to tackle a hunt with good publicity (8) | Begin to tackle = def A+POACH containing PR |
Tortoise | 2 |
12289 | YOUR FAVORITE COLOR (?) | New method of producing unlimited energy is good for the environment (5) | Anagram of ENERG(-y) | Tortoise | 2 |
12300 | ASTERISK (8) | Character in M*A*S*H essentially experienced danger (8) | [-t]ASTE[-d]+RISK | Tortoise | 2 |
12361 | FUCK (4) | Two layers of protection for a football player to have sex (4) | outer bigrams of FUllbaCK (a position in most forms of football) | Tortoise | 2 |
12569 | QUATERNION (10) | Complex equation involving real number and extension of a complex number (10) | R+N inside anagram of EQUATION | Tortoise | 2 |
12570 | COMFORT (7) | Show up mostly for tea and sympathy (7) | COM[-e]+FOR+T | Tortoise | 2 |
12763 | ARMORY (6) OR ARMOURY (7) | Romance lover hanging around red and yellow room with weapons? (6 or 7) | R inside AMOR (Spanish) or AMOUR (French) + Y ("Romance lover" = "lover" in a Romance language, hence "?") |
Tortoise | 2 |
12787 | COPIUM (6) | Nuclear decay of element 112 yields mood-elevating drug, purportedly (6) | COP[ernic]IUM | Tortoise | 2 |
12792 | RATIONAL (8) | Like some fraction of robbers, initially I entered without a key (8) | R+AT(I)ONAL | Tortoise | 2 |
12806 | LOTUS (5) | Jill Biden briefly trashed failing electric vehicle brand (5) | FLOTUS (abbr. for First Lady of the US) - F | Tortoise | 2 |
12833 | GRAPEVINE (9) | Secret source of Grand Canyon found outside park entrance at either end (9) | G+RA(P+E)VINE | Tortoise | 2 |
12847 | CAVY (4) | Rodent that comes out of a hole (4) | CAVITY - IT | Tortoise | 2 |
12866 | CURVEBALL (9) | Pitch black on the inside of calf covered in coiled hair (9) | B inside VEAL inside CURL | Tortoise | 2 |
12900 | FROSTY (6) | "Cool hairdo, son!" "Thanks!" (6) | FRO+S+TY | Tortoise | 2 |
12931 | BALATRO (7) | Indie game secretly appearing in retrospective edition of Portal? Absolutely! (7) | Hidden reversal in pORTAL ABsolutely | Tortoise | 2 |
12938 | SLAPDASH (8) | Hastily manufactured/acquired a Palm Pilot, say (8) | PDA inside SLASH ("/" in the clue) | Tortoise | 2 |
12971 | STANDING O (8 1) | Enthusiastically support Outback denizen getting show of appreciation (8 1) | STAN + DINGO | Tortoise | 2 |
8462 | ID CARD (2, 4) | Rapper does a bit of cycling after dropping half of "surname" on official document (2, 4) | Rapper = CARDI B, does a bit of cycling = cyclic permutation, dropping half of "surname" = cutting B in half graphically to make D, official document = definition | Tortoise | 1 |
8536 | ENCHANTMENT (11) | Delight in restructuring MachTen with some redundancies (11) | Delight = definition restructuring MachTen with some redundancies = letter bank of MachTen (use only the letters of the shorter word with repetitions to make a longer word) |
Tortoise | 1 |
8752 | OWL (3) | Scrabble reference includes acknowledgements? Just the opposite! (3, abbr.) | "includes... just the opposite!" indicates that the answer is contained in ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (and not vice versa) Scrabble reference = definition (abbreviation for Official Word List) |
Tortoise | 1 |
8870 | ANY CLUE FEATURING BOTH A SONG AND ITS ARTIST (?) | Amy Winehouse hit – one after her "Back to Black" (5) | REHAB: Amy Winehouse hit (def) = A (one) after REH (her, back), + (to) B (black) | Tortoise | 1 |
9059 | TARNISHED (9) | Broken-down train by storage structure lost its shine (9) | broken-down train = TAERNI (anagram of TRAIN) by = juxtaposition storage structure = SHED lost its shine = def. |
Tortoise | 1 |
9075 | BOLD (4) | Brave fantasy creature avoids knockout (4) | Brave = def fantasy creature = KOBOLD avoids = deletion knockout = KO |
Tortoise | 1 |
9135 | HELICOPTER (10) | Aircraft unit transporting police officer in pursuit of some guy (10) | Aircraft = def unit = LITER transporting = containing police officer = COP in pursuit of = following some guy = HE |
Tortoise | 1 |
9137 | SOAP (4) | Prime excerpts from a solarpunk opera on TV? (4) | Prime excerpts from a solarpunk = letters 2, 3, 5, and 7 from "a SOlArPunk" opera on TV = def |
Tortoise | 1 |
9171 | OSTRICH (7) | Christo artfully presented a bird (7) | Christo artfully presented = anagram of CHRISTO a bird = def |
Tortoise | 1 |
9242 | COME ACROSS (4, 6) | Encounter some Oscar mix-up following introduction of CODA (4, 6) | Encounter = def some Oscar mix-up = anagram of SOME OSCAR following = after introduction of CODA = C |
Tortoise | 1 |
9261 | CHARLIE PARKER (7, 6) | Saxophonist in Burns' short fictional account -- one involved in a cutting session including head from "Ko-Ko" (7, 6) | Saxophonist = def Burns' short = CHAR(s) fictional account = LIE one involved in a cutting session = PARER including = containing head from "Ko-Ko" = K N.B.: Parker is included in Ken Burns' documentary series "Jazz". A "cutting session" is a competitive jam session. "Ko-Ko" is a Charlie Parker composition; the "head" refers to the composed melody of a jazz tune. |
Tortoise | 1 |
9278 | CARBON (6) | Sort of emissions from second automobile in operation (6) | Sort of emissions = def from = link second automobile = CAR B in operation = ON |
Tortoise | 1 |
9353 | TURIN (5) | Alan stops short, finding shroud site (5) | Alan = TURING stops short = curtailed shroud site = def |
Tortoise | 1 |
9429 | CHTHONIC (8) | In the underworld, a certain section has extremes of heat and humidity, primarily (8) | In the underworld = def a certain section = CONIC has = container extremes of heart = HT humidity, primarily = H |
Tortoise | 1 |
9437 | ANTHEM (6) | Article leading up to the Move's first song (6) | Article = AN leading up to = preceding the = THE Move's first = M song = def |
Tortoise | 1 |
9451 | EA-NASIR (2-5) | Recipient of a noted complaint letter to start off rude to a gentleman (2-5) | Recipient of a noted complaint letter = def to = link start off rude = (m)EAN to = juxtaposition a = A gentleman = SIR |
Tortoise | 1 |
9462 | UMAMI (5) | South Florida institution briefly ignoring current taste (5) | South Florida institution[,] briefly = U(niversity of )MIAMI ignoring current = remove I taste = def |
Tortoise | 1 |
9464 | COAX (4) | Cable broadcast of the frogs' refrain (4) | Cable = def broadcast of = homophone [T]he [F]rogs refrain = KOAX (from Aristophanes) |
Tortoise | 1 |
9861 | OXEYE (5) OR OXEYE DAISY (5, 5) | Chemical bonded to first and last elements said to make a flower (5, 5) | Chemical = OXIDE bonded to = juxtaposition first and last elements = A Z (elements in a sequence, not to do with chemistry) said = homophone to make = link a flower = def |
Tortoise | 1 |
10076 | PENCILS (7) | Writing implements containing, effectively, graphite centrally affixed with latex on one end! (7) | Writing implements = PENS containing effectively, graphite = C (graphite is a form of carbon) centrally affixed = central letter of AFFIXED with = juxtaposition latex on one end = L & lit. |
Tortoise | 1 |
10199 | RAMBUNCTIOUS (12) | Playful sheep and rabbit confused scout around 1 (12) | Playful = def sheep and rabbit = RAM BUN confused scout = CTOUS* around 1 = containing I |
Tortoise | 1 |
10227 | EMBERS | Doesn't forget to give back REM's "Hot Stuff" (6) | Doesn't forget = REMEMBERS to give back REM = delete REM 's = link Hot Stuff = def |
Tortoise | 1 |
10310 | HEXADECIMAL (11) | Malice developed after mind comprehended unknown base (11) | malice developed = ECIMAL* after = juxtaposition mind = HEAD comprehended unknown = containing X base = def |
Tortoise | 1 |
10325 | VIVACE (6) | Sinful behavior captivates Virginia quickly (6) | Sinful behavior = VICE captivates = containing Virginia = VA quickly = def |
Tortoise | 1 |
10506 | [144 As] (144) | Screaming "Black hearts! Gross!" (144) | Screaming = def Black heart[] = A [s] gross = x144 |
Tortoise | 1 |
10512 | HAUNT (5) | Puzzle event taking place around a familiar location (5) | Puzzle event = HUNT taking place around = container a = A familiar location = def |
Tortoise | 1 |
10645 | GONCHAROV (9) | Lost Scorsese film produced by lead actress, who married Xavier Cugat in Nevada (9) | Lost Scorsese film = def produced by = link lead = GO ("The stairs go to the basement") actress who married Xavier Cugat = CHARO in = container Nevada = NV |
Tortoise | 1 |
11028 | LITERALLY (9) | Truly drunk, really messed up (9) | truly = def drunk = lit really messed up = anagram of REALLY |
Tortoise | 1 |
11720 | PARSE (5) | Try to understand astronomical measurement that ignores the speed of light (5) | Try to understand = def astronomical measurement = PARSEC that ignores the speed of light = delete C |
Tortoise | 1 |
12591 | STATUE PARK (6 4) | Taupe pattern breaking up sparsely decorated puzzle in black and white (6 4) | anagram of TAUPE in STARK | Tortoise | 1 |
12629 | ONE ON ONE (3 2 3) | Neo and two clones dance around, losing a bit of energy in climactic fight scenario (3 2 3) | Anagram of NEONEONEO - E | Tortoise | 1 |
12653 | MATCH (5) | Bottomless green tea with Equal (5) | MATCH[-a] | Tortoise | 1 |
12767 | PENICILLIN (10) | Antibiotic made from reused pencil shavings (10) | Letter bank of PENCIL | Tortoise | 1 |
12793 | COBWEB (6) | Something made by Charlotte in a book by E.B. White coming first, after introductions to Charlotte and Orville's brother? (6) | inits of Charlotte + Orville's Brother + W + EB | Tortoise | 1 |
12835 | QUEUEING (8) | Lining up in the 17th section of a hospital, per announcement? (8) | "Q wing" homophone | Tortoise | 1 |
12883 | REVERB (6) | Long note at rondo's introduction played back with an echo effect (6) | BREVE+R reversed (despite the etymology, a breve is a double whole note, which is quite long in modern notation) | Tortoise | 1 |
12899 | MISTLETOE (9) | Dingy motel ties sprig on the ceiling during the holidays (9) | anagram of MOTEL TIES | Tortoise | 1 |
12914 | SLIGHT (6) | Small and delicate! (6) | S+LIGHT; &lit. | Tortoise | 1 |
12918 | DROP THE BALL (4 3 4) | Doctor at dance party has to choose some guy to make a mistake (4 3 4) | DR (OPT + HE) BALL | Tortoise | 1 |
12922 | IN VAIN (2 4) | Fruitlessly discussed weathercock on a hotel (2 4) | homophone of INN VANE | Tortoise | 1 |
12941 | THE FAR SIDE (3 3 4) | Once upon a time, you comprehended Persian and Dutch comic strip (3 3 4) | FARSI + D inside THEE | Tortoise | 1 |
12969 | KEEPSAKE (8) | Speak out of order and at great length, describing "Memento" (8) | Letter bank of SPEAK | Tortoise | 1 |
8436 | FETCH (5) | Go and get laptop stolen from Chevy Chase's reporter (5) | lap[ ]top = L, stolen from = deletion, Chevy Chase's reporter = FLETCH Go and get = definition |
Tortoise | 0 |
8441 | AUSTRALIAN OPEN (10, 4) | Arnold Schwarzenegger, for one, getting Albert and Oscar to confine a major in January (10, 4) | Arnold Schwarzenegger, for one = AUSTRIAN getting Albert = inserting AL Oscar = O confine = PEN a major in January = definition |
Tortoise | 0 |
8791 | ANY GEOGRAPHICAL PLACE (?) | SoCal city of note (2, abbr.) | L.A. (heteronym of LA) | Tortoise | 0 |
8846 | SURNAME OF ANY U.S. PRESIDENT - NO REPEATED ANSWERS (?) | Latvian backing second-rate work like a still life with pear (8) | Latvian = LETT backing = following second-rate = B work like a still life = ART pear = BARTLETT (POTUS from The West Wing) |
Tortoise | 0 |
9058 | ROTOM (5) | Tuned drum loses to a Pokémon (5) | Tuned drum = ROTOTOM loses to = loses TO a Pokémon = definition |
Tortoise | 0 |
9074 | WES CRAVEN (3, 6) | Horror director's beginning to characterize horror author's bird, following directions (3, 6) | Horror director = def 's = link beginning to characterize = C horror author's bird = RAVEN (Poe' The Raven) following = after directions = W, E, S |
Tortoise | 0 |
9088 | TORRENT (7) | Deluge of rotten mixture swamped river (7) | Deluge = def of = link rotten mixture = anagram of ROTTEN swamped = around river = R |
Tortoise | 0 |
9094 | FORWARD (7) | At the front of combat in river crossing (7) | At the front = def of = link combat = WAR in = in river crossing = FORD |
Tortoise | 0 |
9120 | FINALE (6) | Alexander briefly appearing in good ending (6) | Alexander briefly = AL appearing in = insertion good = FINE ending = def |
Tortoise | 0 |
9166 | TICONDEROGA (11) | One criminal initially departed with beheaded Roman emperor wearing a toga somewhere about 100 miles east of Rome (11) | One = I criminal = CON initially departed = D beheaded Roman emperor = (n)ERO wearing a toga = inside TOGA somewhere about 100 miles east of Rome = def (That is, the town of Rome in central New York) |
Tortoise | 0 |
9243 | A CLUE THAT HAS A DIFFERENT ANSWER DEPENDING ON WHETHER AMERICAN OR BRITISH ENGLISH IS USED (?) | Upon reflection, "p" initially used current databank on the side to make a little bit of dough (4) | US: Upon reflection, "p" = b (reflected across a horizontal line) initially used current = UC databank on the side = K to make = link a little bit of dough = def of BUCK UK: Upon reflection, "p" = q (reflected across a vertical axis) initially used = U current = I databank on the side = D to make = link a little bit of dough = def of QUID |
Tortoise | 0 |
9289 | LYDIAN (6) | Dylan remix incorporates one Greek mode (6) | Dylan remix = anagram of DYLAN incorporates = contains one = I Greem mode = def |
Tortoise | 0 |
9746 | AUTONOMY (8) | Gold trophy for a director perhaps bearing a mantra for self-direction (8) | gold = AU trophy for a director perhaps = TONY bearing = contains a mantra = OM for = link self-direction = def |
Tortoise | 0 |
10074 | CURRY (5) | Tear up while eating original spicy dish (5) | Tear up = CRY while eating = containing original = UR- (prefix, e.g. urtext) spicy dish = def |
Tortoise | 0 |
10147 | COCONUT (7) | Old criminal concealed by sliced fruit (7) | Old = O criminal = CON concealed by = contained in sliced = CUT fruit = def |
Tortoise | 0 |
10148 | MAUDLIN (7) | Overly emotional principal holds up bad test result at the end of school (7) | overly emotional = def principal = MAIN holds = container up = U bad test result = D at = juxtaposition the end of school = L |
Tortoise | 0 |
10158 | BISCUIT (7) | Boron appears next to copper -- this makes a tasty treat (7) | Boron = B appears = IS (as in, "Michelle Yeoh appears in Everything Everywhere All At Once") next to = juxtaposition copper = CU this = IT makes = link a tasty treat = def |
Tortoise | 0 |
10160 | SANDSTORM (9) | Nine characters among thousands tormented by trance recording (9) | Nine characters among thousands tormented = 9 letters hidden in thouSANDS TORMented by = link trance recording = def |
Tortoise | 0 |
10309 | DESPERATE (9) | Distressed ruminant grazed, feeding on margins of stonecrop (9) | Distressed = def ruminant grazed = DEER ATE feeding on on = containing margins of stonecrop = S_P |
Tortoise | 0 |
10322 | BILLOWY (7) | Loosely draped ribbon that's tied around sick lady's foot (7) | Loosely draped = def ribbon that's tied = BOW around = containing sick = ILL lady's foot = Y |
Tortoise | 0 |
10446 | BJORK (5) | Icelandic musician singing excerpt from "Grab Your Coat" (5) | phonetically hidden in graB YOUR Coat | Tortoise | 0 |
10721 | PARTICIPANTS (12) | People helping out to cast repetitive cantrips (12) | People helping out = def cast repetitive = letter bank indicator CANTRIPS = letter bank base |
Tortoise | 0 |
10971 | ON MAIN (2, 4) | It's a bad idea to be horny here in Lewiston, Maine (2, 4) | It's a bad idea to be horny here = def in Lewiston, Maine = hidden in lewistON MAINe |
Tortoise | 0 |
11267 | CHANNEL (7) | English queen replaces primate in church passage (7) | ANNE (English queen) replaces ape (primate) in CHAPEL (church) = CHANNEL (passage) | Tortoise | 0 |
12117 | LIED (4) | UN Secretary-General would compose German art song (4) | (Trygve) LIE'D | Tortoise | 0 |
12297 | CEMENT (6) | He, for one, is excluded from declaration to produce binder (6) | [-pronoun]CEMENT | Tortoise | 0 |
12577 | ANY CLUE USING “PRIDE MONTH” (?) | After Pride Month, write fanfic in a different setting -- somewhere in Alaska (6) | JUNE + AU | Tortoise | 0 |
12608 | CAPSIZE (7) | Aces zip around wildly snd flip over (7) | anagram of ACES ZIP | Tortoise | 0 |
12612 | STAIRCASE (9) | I got pushed back in Indian instrument's protective covering for several steps (9) | Moving the I back in S(I)TAR CASE | Tortoise | 0 |
12647 | FOLLY (5) | Ridiculous behavior of old lady who swallowed a fly? Quite the opposite! (5) | O+L inside FLY | Tortoise | 0 |
12696 | PEAR (4) | Fruit to come into view a second time (not counting the first time we see its pieces) (4) | Second instance of all unique letters in REAPPEAR | Tortoise | 0 |
12727 | GALACTIC (8) | Puzzle hunt with weird quirk following celebration with cake at kickoff (8) | GALA+C+TIC | Tortoise | 0 |
12732 | STANDOUT (8) | One who’s exceptional and covered in beer (8) | ST(AND)OUT | Tortoise | 0 |
12871 | JINX (4) | Declare shenanigans will dispel serious spate of bad luck (4) | Phonetic deletion of HIGH from HIJINKS | Tortoise | 0 |
12890 | PURSUE (6) | Strive to get funds to host Ukrainian leader (6) | PURS(U)E | Tortoise | 0 |
12894 | BEHEST (6) | He gets overwhelmed by the number-one command (6) | HE inside BEST | Tortoise | 0 |
12909 | TREE STAR (4, 4) | Christmas decoration in mid-range hotel trashed (4 4) | H deleted from THREE-STAR | Tortoise | 0 |
12911 | SUFGANIYOT (10) | Saying "Tofu gets processed to make jelly donuts" (10) | Anagram of SAYING TOFU | Tortoise | 0 |
12972 | FLAMINGO (8) | A spymaster and popular gangsta interrupting Florence Nightingale's long-legged classmate? (8) | A+M+IN+G inside FLO Nightingale's long-legged classmate = def (long-legged member of the class Aves) |
Tortoise | 0 |
12976 | EDUCATION (9) | Teaching for an awful long time about a motorcycle (9) | EON around DUCATI | Tortoise | 0 |