Started by WoomyRogue

Asp, lend Orpheus guts and glory! (8)

aSP LEND ORpheus
guts - hidden word
and - link
glory - def

Submitted by Botaku

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9400 Asp, lend Orpheus guts and glory! (8) aSP LEND ORpheus
guts - hidden word
and - link
glory - def
Botaku 1
9408 _Bejeweled_ game involves removing duplicates from organ entrance. (8) _Bejeweled_ game - def (BGG 148228)
involves - link
removing duplicates from - for any letter that shows up more than once, replace it with just one copy of itself
organ - SPLEeN
entrance - DOoR
dpad 1