Started by rpl

Zeus' gaze oddly on Vera in a tight spot. (8)

ZeUs' GaZe
oddly - {every other letter}
on - {next to}
Vera - designer vera WANG
in a tight spot - def

Submitted by dpad

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9455 Zeus' gaze oddly on Vera in a tight spot. (8) ZeUs' GaZe
oddly - {every other letter}
on - {next to}
Vera - designer vera WANG
in a tight spot - def
dpad 3
9449 Zürich's neighbour associated with central buzzword before Lee forced to make a bad move (8) Zürich's neighbour - ZUG (a Swiss canton)
associated with - juxtaposition
central - middle two letters
before - juxtaposition
Lee - ANG
forced to make a bad move - def
Botaku 1
9456 Zhou's outside with group, coming to grips with weak bosons' compulsion to move (8) Zhou's outside = Z_U
Group = GANG
coming to grips with = container indicator
weak bosons = Z and W (in physics)
compulsion to move is literally the translation of Z_U+G(ZW)ANG
skaldskaparmal 1