Started by noneuclidean

Dilapidated yurt sheltering one thousand and one Egyptians at the entrance to Middle Eastern nation (7)

Dilapidated yurt = TURY*
sheltering = containing
one thousand = K
and = juxta
one = I
Egyptians at the entrance = E
to = link
Middle Eastern nation = def

Submitted by Tortoise

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9596 Dilapidated yurt sheltering one thousand and one Egyptians at the entrance to Middle Eastern nation (7) Dilapidated yurt = TURY*
sheltering = containing
one thousand = K
and = juxta
one = I
Egyptians at the entrance = E
to = link
Middle Eastern nation = def
Tortoise 2
9624 Concert closed with Mötley Crüe's penultimate fringe rock vinyl _Oddly Not the Last Republic_. (7) concerT
closed - last letter
with - link
Mötley Crüe's penultimate - Ü
fringe - outer letters
oddly not - even letters only
last - last letter
Republic - definition
dpad 1
9591 Identity assumed by Turkey, roughly! (7) Identity - I. (math abbrev)
assumed by - containment indicator
roughly - anagrind

TURKYE* contains I.

&lit - “roughly”, because the umlaut Ü is not properly clued
rpl 0