Started by dohz

Puzzle type where loop is restricted by small reordering (6)

Puzzle type = defn.
where = link word
loop = O
is restricted by = insertion indicator
small reordering = SLALM (anag.)

Submitted by lavaloid

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9804 Puzzle type where loop is restricted by small reordering (6) Puzzle type = defn.
where = link word
loop = O
is restricted by = insertion indicator
small reordering = SLALM (anag.)
lavaloid 4
9802 Bloom's album with earliest symphony by Lalo, opening movement (6) Bloom's album - def
with - link
earliest - first letter
by - juxtaposition
opening - first letter
S_ + LALO + M_
Botaku 1