Started by l_powell

Dorothy, in a twister, gets a hug and a kiss for thinking inside the box (9)

Thinking inside the box = ORTHODY* containing OX

Submitted by Akumu

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1302 Dorothy, in a twister, gets a hug and a kiss for thinking inside the box (9) Thinking inside the box = ORTHODY* containing OX Akumu 4
1303 Bracing visit, heard answer ||to six||? (9) A particular puzzle in a recent puzzlehunt had this answer. "ORTHO DOC SEE" phenomist 1
1323 Teaching about plane upon which Thor beat changeling (9) Teaching = ORTH*+ODO+XY
plane = XY, Thor beat = ORTH, changeling = ODO
prawo 1
1324 Custom toy Hodor broke around ten (9) ORTHODO(X)Y* Darantius 1