Started by chaotic_iak

Bard’s jealous husband hides in brothel, longingly. (7)

Br(OTHEL LO)ngingly

Submitted by l_powell

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Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1317 Bard’s jealous husband hides in brothel, longingly. (7) Br(OTHEL LO)ngingly l_powell 3
1320 The primary law: loss when surrounded by matching circles! (7) O(THE+L+L)O; &lit Projectyl 3
1304 Old Testament greeting for Shakespeare protagonist (7) OT + Hello l_powell 2
1310 Herein: two opponents, flipping each initial color within bounds! (7) (rev. O_ T_ H_) + (-y)ELLO(-w) AuLeaf 2
1325 Shakespearean character, jealous originally over the handkerchief, eventually loses loved one! (7) Initials; &lit Darantius 2
1305 "No good! Go to hell," enters Shakespearean general (7) (-g)O T(HELL)O AuLeaf 1
1321 Reverse to first interaction, expecting, at last, echo game (7) "game" = OT< ("reverse to") + HELLO ("first interaction, expecting, at last, echo" - first interactions typically begin with HELLO, where you expect a HELLO in return) phenomist 1
1326 Game article fill following, in say, O2- (7) "Game" = O(THE+(...LL))O phenomist 1