Started by Firetruck

Chicken house consists of low grade, dilapitated walls and horse apples (10)

Chickrn house=COOP
consists of : containment
Low grade: D
Dilapitated walls = WALLS*
horse apples=def

Submitted by Firetruck

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9888 Chicken house consists of low grade, dilapitated walls and horse apples (10) Chickrn house=COOP
consists of : containment
Low grade: D
Dilapitated walls = WALLS*
horse apples=def
Firetruck 4
9887 Other than "yurt", at heart, does PC allow stupid nonsense? (10) yurt = GER
at heart = (-g)E(-r)
other than = remove E from DOESPCALLOW
stupid = anagram
(definition "nonsense")
tckmn 3
9902 Fish thrash foolish ideas. (10) Fish - CODS
thrash - WALLOP
foolish ideas - def
dpad 3
9895 Part of software's defense is by obfuscation, primarily; without the right program, at first it's total nonsense. (10) def: it's total nonsense

Part of software's = CODE'S
defense = WALL
is by = juxtaposition indicator
obfuscation, primarily = O_
without the right = -(_e)
program, at first = P_

noneuclidean 1