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Upside-down one, capt. in mostly green! (8)

one: I
capt.: DIR
mostly green: NAIV_
&lit: _VI(RID+I)AN< is the green-ish gravity-flipping captain in VVVVVV.

Submitted by SoftFro

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1346 Upside-down one, capt. in mostly green! (8) one: I
capt.: DIR
mostly green: NAIV_
&lit: _VI(RID+I)AN< is the green-ish gravity-flipping captain in VVVVVV.
SoftFro 2
1344 Blue-green vehicle carries iridium; I almost die (8) blue-green: def'n
V(IR + I + DI(e))AN
sarathegood 1
1347 Ian followed flick incorporating smallest state for eco-friendly design movement (8) VI(RI)D+IAN l_powell 1