TAPE (4)

Started by jatloe12345

Drain energy strip (4)


Submitted by dohz

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10108 Drain energy strip (4) TAP+E dohz 1
10113 Something that's sticky and brown on the outside (4) TA(-u)PE="something that's sticky" summitwei 1
10122 Record PETA being ridiculous (4) Record = definition
PETA = anagram fodder
being ridiculous = anagrind
dpad 1
10112 Copy top top copy (4) Copy=tape (as in record)
Top top=T
Copy = APE (as in to ape someone's behavior)
Firetruck 0
10120 Seal in peat swamp (4) PEAT*
Firetruck 0