Started by Neeerd

Helpful to hear a queen sometimes in Germany, no? (6)

Helpful = def
Hear = homophone indicator
A queen sometimes = BEE
In Germany, no = NEIN
Sounds like BEE NEIN = BENIGN

Submitted by biocuriousgeorgie

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10243 Helpful to hear a queen sometimes in Germany, no? (6) Helpful = def
Hear = homophone indicator
A queen sometimes = BEE
In Germany, no = NEIN
Sounds like BEE NEIN = BENIGN
biocuriousgeorgie 1
10248 Safe general in African country (6) "Safe" = BENI(G = general, as in film rating)N phenomist 0
10251 Kindly begin anew around November 1st (6) Kindly = definition
BEGIN = anagram fodder
anew = anagrind
around = containing
1st = first letter
dpad 0