Started by Emily

Written as so to condition for monkey possessing more thumbs than me? (11)

double def

"condition for monkey possessing more thumbs than me?" (standard definition for POLYDACTYLY i.e. having more fingers than expected)

"written as so"
The clue is written in dactylic hexameter ("POLY-DACTYL-Y"), consisting of 6 long-short-short syllabic feet:
WRIT-ten as//SO to con-//DI-tion for//MON-key pos-//ESS-ing more// THUMBS than me?

Submitted by rpl

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10269 Written as so to condition for monkey possessing more thumbs than me? (11) double def

"condition for monkey possessing more thumbs than me?" (standard definition for POLYDACTYLY i.e. having more fingers than expected)

"written as so"
The clue is written in dactylic hexameter ("POLY-DACTYL-Y"), consisting of 6 long-short-short syllabic feet:
WRIT-ten as//SO to con-//DI-tion for//MON-key pos-//ESS-ing more// THUMBS than me?
rpl 1
10273 Some parts of adult film performed without professional I made to act, covered in loving gestures involving many fingers, perhaps? (11) some parts of adult film -> POrno
performed without professional -> DIY
I made to act -> change I to ACT
cover in loving gestures -> LY DACTY LY
put it all together for POLYDACTYLY
empyreu 1