Started by dohz

Monkey edges away, endless danger from monolith's source - it may be found on the dark side of the moon (5)

monkey edges away -> aPe
endless danger -> RISk
monolith's source -> M
def may be found on the dark side of the moon (pink floyd album has a prism on it)

Submitted by empyreu

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10293 Monkey edges away, endless danger from monolith's source - it may be found on the dark side of the moon (5) monkey edges away -> aPe
endless danger -> RISk
monolith's source -> M
def may be found on the dark side of the moon (pink floyd album has a prism on it)
empyreu 1
10294 Returned car's sticker price on a window (5) MSRP ("car's sticker price") contains I ("a") reversed ("returned")

rpl 0