Started by dohz

Habitat is really empty after moving otter outside of Rhode Island (9)

Habitat = definition
is = link
ReallY empty = outer letters
after = juxtaposition
moving = anagrind
OTTER = anagram fodder
outside of = containing
Rhode Island

Submitted by dpad

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10306 Habitat is really empty after moving otter outside of Rhode Island (9) Habitat = definition
is = link
ReallY empty = outer letters
after = juxtaposition
moving = anagrind
OTTER = anagram fodder
outside of = containing
Rhode Island
dpad 2
10304 Mistake surrounding data processing in Turkey's border area (9) Area = T_(ERR(IT)OR)_Y Neeerd 0
10305 "_Go_, aim for panic," E.G. Thatcher declared (9) def - "Go" aim (i.e. the goal of Go, the strategy game, is to acquire "territory")
TERROR - "panic"
TORY - "e.g. Thatcher" (i.e. UK Conservative PM Margaret Thatcher)
{homophone} - "declared"
rpl 0
10308 Region created when author Pratchett ate spoiled roti (9) Region = defn.
created when = linking word
author Pratchett = TERRY
ate = containment
spoiled roti = ROTI anag.

region = TER(RITO*)RY
lavaloid 0