Started by chaotic_iak

Social event with Hireling or Disciple! (8)

DO+MINION is a board game where some cards are named Hireling and Disciple

Submitted by SoftFro

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1392 Social event with Hireling or Disciple! (8) DO+MINION is a board game where some cards are named Hireling and Disciple SoftFro 5
1394 I broke tile game piece? No, card game (8) DOMIN(I)O + N = card game Sp3000 5
1381 Achieve little and refuse returning control (8) Control = DO + MINI + ON< Akumu 4
1382 Control yellow movie star after party (8) Control = dominion
Party= DO
Yellow movie star= MINION
l_powell 2
1391 Fiefdom in Ionia houses government (8) FiefDOM IN IONia sarathegood 1
1397 Sovereignty in no mood for fools (8) INNOMOOD* ("for fools" indicates anagram) prawo 0