Started by ace

River turned 9 times, forming ring (5)

“River” rot9

Submitted by dohz

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10395 River turned 9 times, forming ring (5) “River” rot9 dohz 1
10397 Stadium's thankless, aren't ya? (5) ARENTYA - TY empyreu 0
10399 Performance space, for one (5) Performance = ARIA
space (EN), for one (I) = I -> EN
AR(i->EN)A &lit. (entire clue is the def)
rpl 0
10403 Engagement ring kept by Cesare Napoleon. (5) _ARE NA_ wolog 0
10409 Playing area/venue/center (5) Playing = anagram
AREA _N_* &lit. (entire clue is the def)
rpl 0