BOO (3)

Started by dohz

Display offense in something that stinks (3)

display Offense in = O (sports abbrev for offense) contained in...
something that stinks = BO (body odor)

B(O)O - &lit. whole clue is the definition

Submitted by rpl

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10413 Display offense in something that stinks (3) display Offense in = O (sports abbrev for offense) contained in...
something that stinks = BO (body odor)

B(O)O - &lit. whole clue is the definition
rpl 1
10414 Disapprove of storybooks. (3) storyBOOks wolog 0
10416 Blanket head, two holes that look like eyes, spooky sound (3) B+👀 Firetruck 0
10417 Display disapproval at endless breast (4) BOOB - B = BOO Jackson 0
10430 True or false: without any inclination, we get a space hamster (3) True or false = BOOLEAN
without any = drop
inclination = LEAN
we get = link
a space hamster = definition, Boo is a hamster in Baldue's Gate 2 -
dpad 0