GROK (4)

Started by dohz

Get $1000 (or... $1000) back (4)

Get = def
$1000 = K
or = OR
$1000 = G
back = reversal

Submitted by Tortoise

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10450 Get $1000 (or... $1000) back (4) Get = def
$1000 = K
or = OR
$1000 = G
back = reversal
Tortoise 4
10448 Get good, real good (4) Get=def (as in to get something is to understand it)
Good=G as in baseball
R=real (as in math)
Firetruck 2
10452 Understand that a tight end is pointless (4) Understand = definition
that = link
a tight end = GROnK
is pointless = drop any compass points
dpad 1