Started by dohz

It's *Under the Sea* I heard sung by a choir (5)

sung by a choir = CHORAL
I heard = homophone indicator
Def is "It's under the sea"

Submitted by skaldskaparmal

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10538 It's *Under the Sea* I heard sung by a choir (5) sung by a choir = CHORAL
I heard = homophone indicator
Def is "It's under the sea"
skaldskaparmal 3
10541 Pacific or Aldabran feature! &lit _C OR AL_ noneuclidean 3
10537 Reef starting to grow in black rock?! (5) CO(R)AL
black rock=coal
Reef starting = r
&lit if you squint
Firetruck 1
10542 Blimey! Al's a pinkish orange color (5) Blimey = COR (a british interjection)
Al = AL
's = connector
a pinkish orange color = COR+AL
skaldskaparmal 1
10539 Oracle endlessly confused by a skeleton (5) ORACLe = anagram fodder
endlessly = drop last letter
confused by = anagrind
a skeleton = definition
dpad 0