OORT (4)

Started by Firetruck

Limit of outermost part of the solar system (4)

limit of outermost is O OR T
defn is just “part of the solar system”. there’s an &lit in there somewhere but i haven’t found it

Submitted by quatrevingtneuf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10611 Limit of outermost part of the solar system (4) limit of outermost is O OR T
defn is just “part of the solar system”. there’s an &lit in there somewhere but i haven’t found it
quatrevingtneuf 2
10612 Jumper jumping up to top of cloud (4) ROO< (jumper) + T ("to"'s top = T) Firetruck 1
10617 Cloud of cheerios gutted rat (4) cloud = def
cheerios = OO
gutted rat = RT
rÿàń 0
10622 Astronomer that first offered orbital rock theory (4) Astronomer-- definition
first-- first letters of
Offered Orbital Rock Theory -- OORT
jovi_al 0