Started by quatrevingtneuf

Medical professional rejects nonsense surrounding media frenzy (9)

defn: “medical professional”
CRAP reversed around anagram of MEDIA

Submitted by quatrevingtneuf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10618 Medical professional rejects nonsense surrounding media frenzy (9) defn: “medical professional”
CRAP reversed around anagram of MEDIA
quatrevingtneuf 2
10613 “Carpa diem!” [sick] [gets doctor] (9) PARAMEDIC*

sick = anagram indicator
gets = connector

this is maybe the most dream-logic surface i’ve written
dohz 1
10614 I'm in bliss, bottom left becomes cold...DOCTOR! (9) I -> ME, bliss -> PARADISE, bottom left -> SE, cold -> C
A chilling clue about hypothermia.
AuthorialIntent 0
10621 Doctor to panic, eat ramen, exchange news for 500 (9) doctor = def
panic eat ramen = PA(RAMEN)NIC
exchange news for 500 = Ns become D
rÿàń 0
10623 Doctor primarily researched a mathematical equation in an uncommon kind of number system (9) primarily researched a mathematical equation = RAME
an uncommon kind of number system = P-ADIC
in = container
skaldskaparmal 0