Started by dohz

Item placed in a logic puzzle immediately by elite puzzlehunting team (6)

defn “item placed in a logic puzzle” as in statue park
STAT (immediately) by UE (unicode equivalence)

Submitted by quatrevingtneuf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10631 Item placed in a logic puzzle immediately by elite puzzlehunting team (6) defn “item placed in a logic puzzle” as in statue park
STAT (immediately) by UE (unicode equivalence)
quatrevingtneuf 0
10632 Take legal action about tattoo on sculpture (6) S(TAT)UE = sculpture lavaloid 0
10633 Build removes right to model (6) stature - r vi0let 0
10634 Nation with uranium is a bust (6) nation = state
with uranium = stat(u)e
bust = def
rÿàń 0