Started by dohz

Martin Scorsese film original "Gangs of New York" essentially rejected, attacking roadman (9)

original "GANGS OF NEW" -> GON
york, essentially rejected -> OR, then reverse it for RO
roadman -> CHAV
put RO inside CHAV by GON -> GONCHAROV

Submitted by vi0let

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10643 Martin Scorsese film original "Gangs of New York" essentially rejected, attacking roadman (9) original "GANGS OF NEW" -> GON
york, essentially rejected -> OR, then reverse it for RO
roadman -> CHAV
put RO inside CHAV by GON -> GONCHAROV

vi0let 1
10645 Lost Scorsese film produced by lead actress, who married Xavier Cugat in Nevada (9) Lost Scorsese film = def
produced by = link
lead = GO ("The stairs go to the basement")
actress who married Xavier Cugat = CHARO
in = container
Nevada = NV
Tortoise 1