BEAN (4)

Started by abean077

Fruit punch (4)

A bean is botanically a fruit
To bean someone is to punch them

Submitted by skaldskaparmal

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1473 Fruit punch (4) ddef.
A bean is botanically a fruit
To bean someone is to punch them
skaldskaparmal 2
1489 Kenobi has a pulse (4) pulse = def
sarathegood 2
1469 Originated without fingers, heart, or kidney, for example (4) BE(-_g_)AN prawo 1
1477 Is ahead? (4) ddef
A = AN (bad, I know)
head = BEAN
wolf 1
1485 Pulse with fourth beat becoming uneven in the end (4) def: pulse
BEA(T -> N)
sarathegood 0