Started by dohz

Annoying sort of driver reverses vehicle then takes off (8)

Annoying sort of driver = CAB ("vehicle") reversed + TAKES anagrammed ("off")

Submitted by Sp3000

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10762 Annoying sort of driver reverses vehicle then takes off (8) Annoying sort of driver = CAB ("vehicle") reversed + TAKES anagrammed ("off") Sp3000 3
10755 Spooner struck multiple times in the groin by an unpleasant driver (8) defn = unpleasant driver (grrr backseat drivers)
spoonerism of SACK BEAT
quatrevingtneuf 2
10759 Before starting transition, pseudonymous artist with no nose reportedly won't stop telling you what to do (8) Starting transition = T
Pseudonymous artist with no nose reportedly = homophone of "banksy" with no nasals

def. = won't stop telling you what to do
lavaloid 0