Started by rpl

Energy-rich state protected by Marvel superhero! (7)

Energy-rich state: AK
protected by: containment indicator
Marvel superhero: WANDA
&lit: W(AK)ANDA

Submitted by SoftFro

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10811 Energy-rich state protected by Marvel superhero! (7) Energy-rich state: AK
protected by: containment indicator
Marvel superhero: WANDA
&lit: W(AK)ANDA
SoftFro 3
10812 Marowak and Absol hide a hidden country (7) cryptic: maroWAKANDAbsol
def: Wakanda is a hidden country (at least Birnin Zana is? it's been a second since I saw the movie, but I wanted to make "hide" and "hidden" work lmao)
Taargus 2