Started by rpl

Rather than being "woke", DeSantis cancels "The Last of Us" (7)

Rather than = def
being = link
"woke" DeSantis = anagram *DESANTIS (the meaning of "woke" is arbitrary, so it's perfectly valid as an anagram indicator!)
cancels "the last of uS" = delete _S


Submitted by rpl

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10914 Rather than being "woke", DeSantis cancels "The Last of Us" (7) Rather than = def
being = link
"woke" DeSantis = anagram *DESANTIS (the meaning of "woke" is arbitrary, so it's perfectly valid as an anagram indicator!)
cancels "the last of uS" = delete _S

rpl 3