Started by sarathegood

Leave a country badger to eat one frat member (2,6)

"leave a country" = definition, "badger" = GOAD, containing "one frat member" = A BRO

Submitted by frictionlessemu

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1527 Leave a country badger to eat one frat member (2,6) "leave a country" = definition, "badger" = GOAD, containing "one frat member" = A BRO frictionlessemu 5
1526 Journey a long way from home, with One Ring in mouth on the way (2,6) G(O)AB+ROAD (surface ref. LotR) AuLeaf 4
1523 Travel deity holding support group including male sibling (2,6) GO(A(BRO)A)D l_powell 1
1524 Getting over a bad relationship, or absinthe drinking, leads to vacation (2,6) Acrostic l_powell 1
1530 Group having the commonest and rarest types put in notice for direction to travel (2,6) group, including the commonest and rarest types: G(O & AB)ROUP
putting in notice for direction: UP->AD
to travel: G(O,AB)RO[up->AD]
AuLeaf 1