Started by dohz

Aggressive ringer is hiding competence (obviously) at first, emerges in the lead (9)

Aggressive = def
Ringer = BELL
Is hiding (competence obviously, at first) = I(CO)S
Emerges, in the lead = Emerges
BELL + I(C_ O_)S + E_

Submitted by biocuriousgeorgie

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11064 Aggressive ringer is hiding competence (obviously) at first, emerges in the lead (9) Aggressive = def
Ringer = BELL
Is hiding (competence obviously, at first) = I(CO)S
Emerges, in the lead = Emerges
BELL + I(C_ O_)S + E_
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11063 Bile close at fault for eagerness to fight (9) <bileclose> anagrind l_powell 0