Started by bigstuffedcat

Bishop's arrangement confused the faction


Submitted by bigstuffedcat

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11194 Bishop's arrangement confused the faction (THEFACTION)* bigstuffedcat 5
11195 Perform core move in a chess opening (for offense), moving one piece forward by one after a nearby piece has been moved forward by one! (10) &lit
Perform core = _F_
move in a = IAN*
chess = CHEss
opening (for offense), = O_
moving one piece forward by one = (s->T)
after a nearby piece has been moved forward by one! = (s->T)
_F_ + IAN* + CHE(s->T)(s->T) + O_

i don't play chess i hope this is accurate
noneuclidean 3
11192 Position for bishop’s premarital partner isn’t explicit in any way, to the wicked (10) defn - position for bishop
FIANC(-ee) (no explicits in premarital partner) + /TOTHE (wicked as anag ind)
quatrevingtneuf 0
11213 For example, move to B2 bombing left China to not take loss (10) (LEFTCHINATO - L)* vi0let 0