Started by dohz

To get Zelda character: Right, left + right, circle right (5)

Right = OK
Right, left + right = KO + OK
Right, left + right, circle right = KO(R)OK

Submitted by bigstuffedcat

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11257 To get Zelda character: Right, left + right, circle right (5) Right = OK
Right, left + right = KO + OK
Right, left + right, circle right = KO(R)OK
bigstuffedcat 2
11258 "Krook" kan katapult krazily!? (5) KOROK* &lit if you play Link as an absolute sociopath Firetruck 1
11260 Zelda character made from iron and nickel, say (5) KOROK "core rock" Zimodo 0