PUNT (4)

Started by dohz

John took 20 steps back, leading to kick (4)

“John” rot(-20)

Submitted by dohz

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11393 John took 20 steps back, leading to kick (4) “John” rot(-20) dohz 3
11391 Duck, intensely aromatic, thrice gutted (4) Def = duck
l_powell 1
11389 Joke time! [kick] (4) PUN+T dohz 0
11390 Wordplay with tense for a kick (4) PUN + T Zimodo 0
11400 Soulless puzzlehunt is a fail (4) Soulless = drop center letters
is = link
a fail = def, internet slang
dpad 0