DEF (3)

Started by dohz

Satisfied about this half of the clue (3)

Satisfied, about = FED, reversed
This half of the clue = def

Submitted by gppasco

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11415 Satisfied about this half of the clue (3) Satisfied, about = FED, reversed
This half of the clue = def
gppasco 3
11418 Consecutive notes for sure (3) DEF are consecutive notes. "For sure" is the definition. lydian 3
11421 100% unable to hear through the ear (3) def. "100%"
wordplay: DEAF ("unable to hear"), when heard ("through the ear")
bags 3
11416 This part of the clue is fed up (3) DEF<

This part of the clue = def
dohz 2