G (1)

Started by Zimodo

So good (1)

good abbr. = G
so as in solfege note (yes i'm being basic assuming it's Cmaj)

Submitted by quatrevingtneuf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11446 So good (1) good abbr. = G
so as in solfege note (yes i'm being basic assuming it's Cmaj)
quatrevingtneuf 0
11447 Final note of "Defying Gravity" (1) _G // def = gravity (g) rpl 0
11449 Classically mix a third of it in a tonic! (1) Double def (G&T and music theory) l_powell 0
11453 "gg no re" in F major is good (1) GG - G(re in F major) noneuclidean 0