AT SIGN (2, 4)

Started by phenomist

Two shift a bit of the Bat-Signal (2, 4)

Two shift = def (two on a qwerty keyboard gives @ if shift is held)
a bit of the = hidden word

Submitted by dpad

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11466 Two shift a bit of the Bat-Signal (2, 4) Two shift = def (two on a qwerty keyboard gives @ if shift is held)
a bit of the = hidden word
dpad 1
11467 Handle leader of misfit giants (2, 4) (AT SIGN)*

def = Handle leader, as in the prefix of a social media handle
dohz 1
11460 Reshaped gnat is marker for host's name (2, 4) <gnatis>

def = marker for host's name
l_powell 0