BORK (4)

Started by dohz

Arbor knot protects damage (4)


Submitted by Rainy

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11493 Arbor knot protects damage (4) _BOR K_ Rainy 2
11494 Icelandic singer doesn't have a second break (4) B(-j)ORK Zimodo 2
11495 Corrupt and vile, shifting right 6 times (4) “vile” rot6

Corrupt = def
dohz 2
11498 Controversial judge to back case involving curtailment and reversal of *Roe* (4) def - see (semi-&lit)
link - to
B(_OR<)K = BacK case contains (involving) ROe< (curtailed and reversed)
rpl 1
11492 Mess up abbreviation for black? (4) B OR K (as in CMYK) noneuclidean 0