Started by rpl

Interrupting uncontrolled movement with anticonvulsant remedies initially produces a relaxed state (8)

defn - relaxed state
ATAXIA with A* R*
bonus points for being kinda true

Submitted by quatrevingtneuf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11623 Interrupting uncontrolled movement with anticonvulsant remedies initially produces a relaxed state (8) defn - relaxed state
ATAXIA with A* R*
bonus points for being kinda true
quatrevingtneuf 1
11624 "Fire in Game Company" article leads to a state of no reaction (8) ATAR(AX="fire", as in laying off in a company)I+A = "a state of no reaction" phenomist 1