Started by quatrevingtneuf

Soup for me - hearty, with energy for a thousand (10)

Soup = def
For me = MINE
Hearty = STRONG with E for G = STRONE

Submitted by biocuriousgeorgie

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11626 Soup for me - hearty, with energy for a thousand (10) Soup = def
For me = MINE
Hearty = STRONG with E for G = STRONE
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11630 Soup with the least amount of estrogen mixed in: not good (10) Soup: def
The least amount: min
Estrogen mixed: ESTROGEN*
Not good: -G
Firetruck 0
11632 Digs jumbled tenor soup (10) Digs = MINES
jumbled = anagrind
TENOR= anagram fodder
soup = def
dpad 0