WAIT (4)

Started by sarathegood

Stop gravity for audience (4)

stop = def
gravity = weight (importance); homophone

Submitted by sarathegood

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1631 Stop gravity for audience (4) stop = def
gravity = weight (importance); homophone
sarathegood 4
1638 Break a stone, perhaps loudly (4) WAIT ("weight") AuLeaf 3
1645 Hold off genius computer included in heartless wishlist (4) W(AI)T l_powell 1
1621 Washington information technology delay (4) WA + IT l_powell 0
1639 Stay amorous, initially, with someone like Tyrion Lannister around (4) W(A_)IT [ref. Game of Thrones] AuLeaf 0