GRUE (4)

Started by Firetruck

One who never has a light meal's first gluttonous regret (4)

Def: one who never has a light meal, since a grue eats in darkness
First gluttonous: G
Regret: RUE

Submitted by Firetruck

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11703 One who never has a light meal's first gluttonous regret (4) Def: one who never has a light meal, since a grue eats in darkness
First gluttonous: G
Regret: RUE
Firetruck 1
11700 A monster in the darkness got bigger when discussed (4) "A monster in the darkness": def
"got bigger": GREW
"when discussed": homophone indicator
madjaqk 0
11704 Monster! Rouge scrambled, dropping ring (4) GRUE(-o)*

this is sonic the hedgehog-themed i guess
dohz 0
11705 Going north, you are eaten by, for example, a monster (4) Going north = reversal indicator (for a down clue)
UR eaten by EG, reversed = EURG<
A monster = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0