SUP (3)

Started by dohz

Slurp at regular intervals! (3)


Submitted by dohz

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11738 Slurp at regular intervals! (3) S_U_P
dohz 5
11734 How's it going to eat? (3) ddef Firetruck 3
11733 Drink creamy liquid up (3) defn = drink
PUS< (ew, sorry)
quatrevingtneuf 2
11736 Drink 7UP that isn't flat (3) S(-even)UP
lame deletion indicator i know
noneuclidean 1
11735 Water sport, some reckon (3) Water sport = def (i.e., stand up paddleboarding is commonly referred to as SUP)
Some reckon = SUPpose
biocuriousgeorgie 0