Started by dohz

Return mast after endless surge of debris (7)

Defn: debris

Submitted by Madmahogany

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11758 Return mast after endless surge of debris (7) Defn: debris
Madmahogany 5
11754 bro's got lots of useless shit (7) bro = FAM
's got = containment indicator
lots = LOTS
of = connector
useless shit = def

noneuclidean 2
11755 Eel floats menacingly in front of Mike (7) Def: one of the two eels in The Little Mermaid
Firetruck 2
11766 Refuse medieval leader Astolfo, abruptly turning around (7) ((-o)FLOTSA+_M)<

Refuse = def
medieval leader = M_
Astolfo, abruptly = ASTOLF(-o)
turning around = reversal indicator
dohz 1
11756 Person who is by Seuss follows loud group to wreckage (7) Person who is (by Seuss) = SAM (as in Sam I Am)
Follows loud group = F+LOT+SAM
Wreckage = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0