WHAT (4)

Started by Zimodo

Second baseman with baseball cap? (4)

W+HAT = "Second baseman" (as in "Who's on First?")

Submitted by mstang107

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
12112 Second baseman with baseball cap? (4) W+HAT = "Second baseman" (as in "Who's on First?") mstang107 2
12111 Nani? Luffy's crewmate's other half? (4) nani - def
Luffy's crewmate - STRAW HAT (in One Piece, Luffy leads the Straw Hats)
Botaku 0
12113 "Huh? Who's short stop?" "Third base..." "On first base??" (4) WHO's short = WH_
Stop? = TGA [or TAA] (codon)
Third base... of STOP codon = __A
firsT base = __T (for a vertical clue)
rpl 0