Started by Zimodo

Bar is a hip spot? (5)

PUBIS (part of the hip, or “a hip spot”) = PUB (Bar) + IS.

Submitted by discountdadjokes

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
12312 Bar is a hip spot? (5) PUBIS (part of the hip, or “a hip spot”) = PUB (Bar) + IS. discountdadjokes 4
12313 Secretly demand I bless a jawbone (8) Hidden word _MAND I BLE_ Akumu 2
12314 Ulna mixed up with the hollow bone in the hand (6) LUNA*+T_E noneuclidean 1
12315 Rakish, dishevelled, a romantic pair only tells the truth (8, 3) anag(RAKISH) + A SHIP = SHAKIRA'S HIP schizophoenix 1