Started by l_powell

Second admiral ordering strangely reckless action (7-2)


Submitted by AuLeaf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1718 Second admiral ordering strangely reckless action (7-2) (-a)D_+ERRINGDO* AuLeaf 3
1724 True bravery. Turn weird. Embrace making mistakes. (7-2) ERRING inside ODD reversed Linus 2
1715 ‘er odd grin disguises bravado (7-2) Eroddgrin* l_powell 1
1720 Courageous spirit fish' exclamation upon finding land turns initial hardships into final yield (7-2) Courageous spirit - def
Exclamation upon finding land - land HO
turns H_ into _D
abean077 0
1727 The German bell sound has tone of fearlessness (7-2) "The German"=DER, "bell sound"=RING, "tone"=DO prawo 0